10.10.2014  Le Bal des Vampires Paris 1st Preview (VOB) very limited trade

Cast: Comte Von Krolock: Stéphane Métro, Sarah: Rafaëlle Cohen, Professeur Abronsius: David Alexis, Alfred: Daniele Carta Mantiglia, Chagal: Pierre Samuel, Magda: Moniek Boersma, Herbert: Sinan Bertrand, Koukol: Guillaume Geoffroy, Rebecca: Solange Milhaud

Tanzsolisten: Costantino Imperatore (Roten Stiefel & Carpe Noctem), Marcella Morelli (Tanz Sarah), Bart Aerts   (White Vampire)

Tanzensemble: Alexandre Bernot, Luna Chiquerille, Pascale Moe Bruderer, Elsa Leforestier, Sandra Pericou-Habaillou, Romain Rachline, Matteo Reggiori

Gesangssolisten & Gesangsensemble: Christophe Borie, Florian Cléret, Emmanuelle Guélin, Alyzée Lalande, Joana Mendil, Olivier Rey, Sandrine Seubille, Manon Taris, Kirill Zolygin, Mike Zubi

Note: Koukol almost dropped his wig in Geil zu sein ist Komisch. Technical problem before Tanzsaal, blacked for 1 minute before the stairs came out.


11.10.2014  Les Bal des Vampires Paris Matinee 2nd Preview (VOB) very limited trade

Cast: Comte Von Krolock: Stéphane Métro, Sarah: Rafaëlle Cohen, Professeur Abronsius: David Alexis, Alfred: Daniele Carta Mantiglia, Chagal: Pierre Samuel, Magda: Moniek Boersma, Herbert: Sinan Bertrand, Koukol: Guillaume Geoffroy, Rebecca: Solange Milhaud

Tanzsolisten: Costantino Imperatore (Roten Stiefel & Carpe Noctem), Marcella Morelli (Tanz Sarah), Fabrice Cazaux (u/s White Vampire, Dance Captain)

Tanzensemble: Alexandre Bernot, Luna Chiquerille, Pascale Moe Bruderer, Elsa Leforestier, Sandra Pericou-Habaillou, Romain Rachline, Matteo Reggiori

Gesangssolisten & Gesangsensemble: Christophe Borie, Pierre Antoine Brunet, Emmanuelle Guélin, Alyzée Lalande, Joana Mendil, Olivier Rey, Sandrine Seubille, Manon Taris, Kirill Zolygin, Mike Zubi

Note: First act begins since Trauer um Chagal! With better zoom.


2014 Le Bal Des Vampires, Paris Highlights from one of the Previews

Cast: David Alexis (Professor Abronsius), Sinan Betrand (Herbert), Moniek Boersma (Magda), Daniele Carta Mantiglia (Alfred), Rafelle Cohen (Sarah), Stéphane Métro (Krolock), Guillaume Geoffroy (Koukol), Solnage Milhaud (Rebecca) and Pierre Samuel (Chagal)




Tanz der Vampire Paris Highlights & Proshorts

Cast: Stéphane Métro, Rafaëlle Cohen, Daniele Carta Mantiglia, David Alexis, Pierre Samuel, Moniek Boersma, Solange Milhaud, Sinan Bertrand, Guillaume Geoffroy